

3359 Uppsatser om Structural systems - Sida 1 av 224

Glastaket : ett bärande klimatskal

This candidate.?s work includes designing of a house with it.?s structural components andinstallations. The house had to be actual with Building Regulations (Boverkets Byggregler).Beside designing of all the crucial systems necessary for completing of claimed regulations evenan optional topic within building engineering had to be chosen.The task included designing of heating, ventilation, sanitation and electricity systems. Structuralengineering models has been made in compliance with Eurocodes. Materials for facades, floorsand roof were chosen and evaluated.As recessed portion of the work, evaluating of possibilities in designing of a glass roof waschosen.

Kompatibilitet med BIM-koncept : Revit Structure 2012 och Robot Structural Analysis 2012

This thesis deals with the compatibility between analysis software Revit Structure2012 and Robot Structural Analysis 2012. The purpose is to become more aware ofinformation management models to be compatible across different softwareapplications. The structural model is made to be optimal for the compatibility of othersoftware Aim is also to gain an understanding of the transferring methods that exist,and which method is most convenient to use and to examine whether the methodswork in practice. Objective of this project is to make the modeling processtime-efficient for constructors. Models do not need to be structured in severaloccasions in different software; it only needs an optimal model that transfers properlybetween software.The method used in the thesis consist cases where the transferring process isexamined.

Skönlitteraturens genrer: En analys av två universella klassifikationssystem

The main aim in this Master thesis is to analyse how an ideological view may have influenced the shape of hierarchies with a specific concentration on the concept of fiction genre in the latest versions of the systems SAB and DDC. Our thesis is that no theoretical classification scheme can be recognized as objective. With an ideological/institutional perspective we look at the structures behind these systems. As a vehicle we use the hermeneutic circle to show the play between part and unit by focusing and analysing three different levels: the content level the concept level the ideological level. The first level is in the shape of a historical background and an analysis of concept with focus on content.

Frå BKR till Eurokod : Dimensionering i Eurokod

From January 1st 2011 the use of Eurocode will be mandatory for all constructionprojects. Eurocode is the common European set of struc-tural design codes which willreplace BKR (Boverkets Kon-struktionsregler). BKR is the Swedish set of structuraldesign codes that was used up until December 31 2010. For consulting firms this willcre-ate a need for them to invest in the standards and in education for thecoworkers. This will involve both time and costs for the company.The purpose and aim of this master thesis is the development of compute examplesand calculations aid by dimensioning with Euro-code.

Kunskapsdelning i byggbranschen : Delningsprocessen i Skanskas projektorganisation

Introduction     Knowledge has come to be an increasingly important factor for both individuals in the labor market and companies in competition. When a person leaves an organization the knowledge often follows, and a knowledge gap is created. When knowledge is shared within an organization, the individual?s knowledge is available for all members of the organization. Knowledge can thus be converted from human capital to structural capital.

Brandskydd av stålkonstruktioner : Lathund för brandskyddsdimensionering av stålprofiler

This bachelor thesis covers fire protection methods of structural steel and the aim is to develop an information tool designed for inexperienced structural engineers. The information tool covers basic fire protection methods and the general way to produce a fire resistance for structural steel. The layout of this information tool is a simple folder that contains information about the most important steps when producing fire protection for a steel structure.The thesis starts with a general overview of the fire protection needed in buildings to fulfill national legislative and regulatory requirements. To get an understanding of how steel components behave during the influence of fire, a brief overview is presented of the material properties of steel. This chapter also contains a review of previous research in the area.

High-rise buildings; structural design, prefabrication and logistics

In the report we have investigated four high-rise buildings with the intentions to find out witch parts are prefabricated and what relation can be found between structural design, prefabrication and the logistics. After the investigation we noticed that the grad of prefabrication in each one of the projects is good in relation to what purpose the building have and the given background. During the report we found that layout ? structural design ? prefabrication ? logistics is an order that we think can make the production of the building more effective if followed. We believe that the prefabrication of high-rise buildings have potential to grow and get more optimized in the future..

Kan det vara hypertext? Ett försök att analysera en månglineär, flersekventiell pappersburen text som hypertext

The object of this thesis is to discuss the limits of the hypertext concept. The issue is whether the concept of hypertext necessarily depends on the conditions of the electronic media and www, or if the concept of hypertext more likely is founded on certain textual structures and strategies. In the light of contributions to hypertext theory during the 1990s, this thesis compares different views on hypertext, and concludes with an evaluation. The poem it the authors own translation of the original Danish title det, written in 1969 by the system-poet Inger Christensen, is the object of this case study. The poem is analysed with respect to its structural organisation and literary composition.

Svalövs flyktingenhets arbete för nyanlända invandrare - en utvärdering med brukar- och intressentfokus

The following report is a constructive responsive evaluation of Svalövs communes unit for newly arrived refugees based on a qualitative user- and stakeholder model. The main purpose is to evaluate the units? quality from a user and stakeholder perspective. The main findings are that the users and stakeholders are satisfied with the quality of the units? services but request further social and structural participation.

Dokumenthanteringssystem inom byggbranschen

One of the aims of this report has been to make an inventory of the building trade market to see which document handling systems that are available. The secondary aim was to document the users´ demands on the systems and other demands such as quality assurance. After this, the document handling systems Byggnet and Lotus Notes, which are rather complex systems, have been analysed. Finally a recommendation has been made. In the inventory of the marketthe internet has been used because it is there the latest information can be found.

Säkerhetstänkande integrerat i systemdesign via formaliserade metoder

Systems development methods mirror different organizational perspectives, and not all methods are formalised, but what they have in common is the purpose of structuring and supporting systems development processes. Which method would be the most suitable may be determined by the systems development context at hand, because every systems development context is unique. Information is a valuable asset in today?s organizations, and it needs to be protected against both internal and external security threats. In our essay we aspired to find and present suggestions as to how systems developers can include security in the very design based on formalised systems development methods to create systems that are better prepared to meet the security challenges of today.

Tillverkarnas syn på utvecklingen av väderskydd

How does the weather protection systems look like today, and how will they be developed in the future? These are questions that we have worked with during this project. At the start of our report there?s a summary of the leading weather protection manufacturers in Sweden. We have explained how these systems are constructed and how they work.

"Den som är satt i skuld är icke fri" : En studie om de svenska elnätsföretagens kapitalstrukturer

Title: Co-operative, prevent or complement? - An essay on the relationships between control systems. Authors: Kim Eriksson and Victoria KarlssonPurpose: The essay aims to describe the relations between control systems and how they related to each other, based on an operationalization of the control systems. Research question: What are the control systems relations to each other? With regards whether control systems co-operative, prevents and/or complement each other.Theoretical framework: The essays theoretical framework is based on Malmi and Browns (2008) description of five different control systems and control mechanisms associated with each control system.   Research methodology: The method was based on three different data collection methods. These methods were observations, documentation, and semi-structured interviews.Conclusions: It is concluded that the control systems has comprehensive relations. Control systems have more, than one, relation to each other..

En frivillig standards kvalitetsma?ssiga pa?verkan pa? redovisning av varuma?rken : ISO 10668

Title: Co-operative, prevent or complement? - An essay on the relationships between control systems. Authors: Kim Eriksson and Victoria KarlssonPurpose: The essay aims to describe the relations between control systems and how they related to each other, based on an operationalization of the control systems. Research question: What are the control systems relations to each other? With regards whether control systems co-operative, prevents and/or complement each other.Theoretical framework: The essays theoretical framework is based on Malmi and Browns (2008) description of five different control systems and control mechanisms associated with each control system.   Research methodology: The method was based on three different data collection methods. These methods were observations, documentation, and semi-structured interviews.Conclusions: It is concluded that the control systems has comprehensive relations. Control systems have more, than one, relation to each other..

Erfarenhetsåterföring av konstruktionslösningar Optimal utformning av ett detaljbibliotek med standardiserade konstruktionslösningar

This thesis has been carried out at the Building and Civil Engineering Programme at Chalmers University of Technology in cooperation with NCC Technology. The study aims to investigate the optimal design of a library of standardized structural solutions for in-house multi-family buildings and what benefits it brings. Today NCC use technology platforms to improve efficiency and simplify the construction process. The platforms provide the constructors guidelines on how construction details should look like, but the details are not complete. NCC Technology started in the spring of 2013 a project to investigate what benefits there are to create a library of standardized structural solutions for the constructors, with more detailed solutions than in the platforms.

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